Are You Aware Of These 5 建设 Industry Risks? | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件

Are You Aware Of These 5 建设 Industry Risks?

Five business risks the construction industry faces and what you can do to protect your business.

意图 & 最近的网络研讨会,”施工中的风险要素,” covered five construction industry risks you may not have prepared for yet. 这里有, according to the panel of experts and presenters, five business risks the construction industry faces and what you can do to protect your business from them. 

建设 Industry Risk #1: 网络安全

While you may not consider your construction business a potential target of a cyberattack, the truth is that cyberattacks are common and often target small and midsized companies. 网络安全已经成为 更关键的是 在2019冠状病毒病危机期间.

Even seemingly simple changes to the workforce, 比如远程工作, means increased susceptibility to cyber threats due to working on unsecured WiFi networks. 事实上, according to the FBI’s Crime Complaint Center, 自COVID-19大流行开始以来, t在这里 has been a 400 percent increase in cyberattacks.

Recognizing the need for cybersecurity protocols, 教育, and continued 教育 is the first step in protecting your construction business from cyber threats. The cybersecurity and data security services team 在意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件提供 免费和付费解决方案的范围. 了解更多关于我们的选择 在这里.

建设 Industry Risk #2: Insurance

Mitigating risk is an essential part of any business strategy. Protecting your assets is critical to long-term success, especially if you’re like the average business owner who has more than half of their net worth tied up in the business.

保险是必不可少的 in any industry, but this rings especially true in construction. Proper 保险 coverage can protect against threats like cyberattacks and employee accidents. It can also protect you if an employee falls ill while at work. The question of employee sickness and 保险 coverage is especially relevant right now during the COVID-19 pandemic.

我们最近的网络研讨会, 施工中的风险要素, goes in-depth on this important topic.

建设 Industry Risk #3: 州税和地方税

One of the most significant considerations for any business owner is the nuances of their 州税和地方税es in their area. 多年来, we have found that the importance of having an accounting firm familiar with local and state taxes has proven to be a crucial planning strategy for 意图 and 比较靠谱的赌博软件’ clients – whether they are headquartered in Ohio, one of the few states to enact commercial activity tax, 或不. 特别是, the commercial activity tax can be incredibly challenging to deal with because it’s a duplicate tax.

Navigating tax codes can be incredibly challenging. Having the right team to provide guidance and tax services can make all the difference when dealing with sales and use tax, 联邦和州税务审计, 实体对价选择, 和更多的.

The extensive 州税和地方税 services team 在意图 & 联营公司致力于 保持最新的 on all 州税和地方税 matters while also providing extensive internal and external 教育al programs to provide maximum client satisfaction.

建设 Industry Risk #4: Legal and Contracts

在所有行业, business owners should place a high level of importance on ensuring legal protection. This is particularly true for those operating in the construction industry. 建筑的独特作用, 然而, with contracted work makes strong legal protections and consulting 更关键的是 to long-term success.

公司 合同 are incredibly important when you’re working with clients and your independent contractors – not to mention suppliers and other third-parties. You can learn more about the importance of using proper 合同 and legal measures to protecting your business during the free, “施工中的风险要素,“网络研讨会.

建设 Industry Risk #5: Safety and Operations

One of the reasons cybersecurity protection has proven to be so critical is because of the likelihood of cyber-attacks severely disrupting the business, both in the short term and the long term. While many companies were forced to close when COVID-19 began, construction and general contracting remained operational as they were considered “essential” to the overall economic stability of the country. 然而, just because they were required to stay open and operational, didn’t mean that they could operate as they had in the months prior. 而不是, proper precautions needed to be implemented to ensure the continued safety of employees while ensuring the business remained open.

我们的网络安全专家小组, 保险, 州税和地方税, 法律与合同, and safety operations in the construction space go into each topic in great detail while explaining what business owners can do to mitigate their risks in today’s risk-filled market. Learn more in our on-demand recording of the webinar “施工中的风险要素.” Fill out the form to receive access to the recording, 额外的资源, 网络研讨会的文字记录, 和更多的. This webinar is geared explicitly toward construction businesses and will include conversations about various services, 从特定结构的角度来看.

想要更深入的了解,你可以 email the construction and real estate services team 在意图 & 比较靠谱的赌博软件.